When will TLB 2.0 be released?

Short answer: it’ll be ready when it’s ready, not sooner. If that’s disappointing, we’re sorry.

The newer version is complete rewrite (and expansion) of our original TLB training that Andre created with Steve Gray.

This is the training Andre wishes he had when he started on his journey back in 2003.

It’s a project based education – much like Seth Godin’s altMBA.com – that’ll take students from zero (if that’s where they’re at) to a 6 figure a year business.

That’s what the 2.0 training will be. And Andre won’t release it until it’s ready. It’s just the nature of creating something worth creating. Every move has been to create improvements, not the opposite. Some changes work, others don’t. That’s the nature of iterations. Incremental improvements aren’t always smooth and forward.